Brilliant Idea – innovative educational project

Awesome Company -auisque at dictum metus. Phasellus non adipiscing odio. Nullam pulvinar sapien id libero facilisis bibendum bibendum turpis, at venenatis justo lorem.

The task was:
  • Nullam id libero facilisis bibendum.

  • Suspendisse nec feugiat leo.

  • Dolor amet glavrida uisque at metus.

Unique solution:

Phasellus non adipiscing odio. Nullam pulvinar sapien id libero facilisis bibendum. Etiam id elit ipsum non eu urna erat.

Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo. Sed volutpat tellus. Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo. Morbi viverra, mi non placerat tincidunt, lectus neque bibendum turpis, at venenatis justo lorem ipsum dolor sit venenatis for dolor.

Morbi viverra, mi non placerat tincidunt, lectus neque bibendum turpis, at venenatis justo vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo. Sed volutpat tellus. Suspendisse vulputate tristique urna, nec feugiat leo lorem mi non placerat tincidunt, lectus neque bibendum turpis, at venenatis justo lorem ipsum dolor sit venenatis for dolor.

Skills used


Users testimonials

  • Without admirable friends my practice wouldn’t be where it is today. Having a group of like minded people with the same goals has made my meditation experience much more pleasurable. Most importantly, expanding my knowledge about the 10 mind qualities has helped me realize that I am the cause of my own suffering and through a solid core of admirable friends and consistent practice I can overcome stress as a result. What better way of life is there than one free of stress. Much thanks to my admirable friends _/|\_

    Brittney Morris
  • Like most people today, my life can be fast-paced and hectic.  Being a part of Admirable Friends helps me to remember to stop and pay attention to what is happening around me, and to what my intentions truly are.  I love listening to and participating in the radio/podcast version.  I’m very proud to be part of the Admirable Friends Network!

    Mariellen Cozad
  • Acknowledging stress with me being the cause led to the possibility of doing something about it. With the support and guidance provided by the Admirable Friends community I am learning and practicing skills to live well, independent of my circumstances. Increasingly I am enjoying the mundane and experiencing calm under what used to be duress. With gratitude.

    Iain Bates
  • Admirable Friends has enlightened me so that my life has changed. Thought processes and thus communication has opened a more joyful and relaxed me!  Highly recommend you joining, listening, growing with Admirable Friends.

    Linda Weber